Below are some outstanding videos for you to enjoy. Most of them are funny because I believe laughter is good for the soul. There are also some enlightening videos. As you can see, I love to mix a balance of personal growth, transformation and lots of fun/laughs during the dating/relationship process! We can't always take ourselves so seriously. This will give you an idea of my coaching style. I can be serious, fun, insightful, fun and more!
John Gray, Relationship Expert, is so funny. Watch him on stage.
If you prefer to work with a relationship/dating coach online only (not in person or on the phone). then I would highly recommend John Gray. When MEN and WOMEN are able to respect and accept their differences, then love has a chance to blossom.”-John Gray Now for the FIRST TIME EVER, get instant, lifetime access to ALL OF DR. JOHN GRAY’S TOP CONTENT based on the MARS VENUS books that have sold more than 50 MILLION copies worldwide.
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Allison Armstrong, another relationship expert is great. She talks about the way women and men differ when they focus.
Chris Rock is hilarious at his comedy stand up performance on "Relationships" at the International Comedy Festival.
Comedian David Chappelle-Women and their feelings
Dr. Wayne Dyer: How to stop Sabotaging Yourself.